
Yannis Folias

So, you want to learn more about myself? Let's see...

I began my career with a passion for breaking and fixing things, which led me to explore the field of security. During my early university days, and in the interest of making some extra cash, I developed an interest in web development, which gave me the chance to start working as a freelancer. Later, I gained exposure to systems engineering and DevOps practices, particularly after moving to London in 2015.

This experience provided me with invaluable knowledge about new technologies, system architectures, and potential vulnerabilities. As a result, I developed a well-rounded understanding of how systems are built and the challenges they may face.

When I finally decided to focus on security, I pursued a Masters degree in Advanced Security and Digital Forensics and an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) accreditation. This is how I gained a deeper understanding of cutting-edge security practices and offensive strategies.

I soon realised that I would have to dig deeper and find a certain niche area to focus on. This is where the certifications offered by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) came in handy, and allowed me to develop the skills required to develop and manage Kubernetes environments, ensuring efficient deployment in cloud-native architectures.

Beyond my professional qualifications, I am a dedicated father of two, finding great joy in my role as a parent. Outside of work, I maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, regularly engaging in workouts to stay fit and energized. I also have a deep appreciation for nature, often seeking solace and inspiration through long walks in natural surroundings. In my downtime, I tend to find comfort and enjoyment in listening to music.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about me, don't hesitate to reach out.